Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Disturbance in the Vocal Force

Cripes. What a day. Before I relay the day's events, may I first establish the fact that about 7 months ago I underwent a videostroboscopy, a procedure where an ENT (Ear Nose Throat Specialist) rammed (gently of course) a more than a foot long silver instrument with a video camera and a teeny light bulb at the tip to examine my vocal folds. Turned out there was a polyp the size of a pimple. This explains why I have been hoarse for 3 months prior to that diagnosis. A microlaryngoscopic surgery was in the horizon.

However, my running contract as a continuity announcer in a TV channel, along with my ongoing stint as a character product endorser, plus my other radio and TV voice-over projects, kept me from coming up with a date for the operation. Until today.

I figured that since my contract with the TV station will be over by the end of July, and we'll be relocating to Singapore by mid-August, today was the right time to see my surgeon and set that surgery date. So off I went to his clinic for my consultation and he proceeded to do a laryngoscopy on me to assess that polyp. What I saw shocked the bejeesus off me: the polyp has grown into the size of a pea.

He sounded casual about it though. I find this surprising as he rattled off on how there is a one to a hundred thousand chance of not waking up after a procedure of general aenesthesia. I should have struck out the question "what's the worst thing that could happen?" from my list. I know the odds aren't against me, but somehow it just failed to suffuse me with any bit of comfort at all.

This series of disturbing events gave way to a series of blank spells during the day. Fortunately, the information one may come across in the internet has the capacity to provide relief. I googled my case, read more about it, and somehow it eased me of my fears. Check it out on

I guess I'll be able to sleep better tonight. Looking forward to July 28, 2007.

11July07/Manila, Philippines

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